Thursday, March 27, 2014

My Use Case Diagrams

Getting right down to it, use case diagrams are used to visually demonstrate how a system is (supposed) to work. While there may be some ideas that will change over the course of a project development, the core idea will usually stay intact. Incredibly useful when trying to explain the functionality of systems to non-programmers without having to delve into the guts of coding and technical terminology.

Use Case 1 - Post Listing

This diagram is used to describe the scenario in which the client (website user) wishes to create a new listing on the Synclis website.

  • Log in: User enters relevant credentials
  • Create new listing: This is the process in which the user collects information regarding the listing. This can range from pictures, product quality, etc. An expiration date is set and a price is listed if relevant.
  • The listing is posted onto the website. Afterwards, the author should have the option to edit the listing

Use case 2 - View/accept listing

This diagram is used to describe the event where a user wanted to look up the various available listings and accept them.

  • User logs in with relevant credentials
  • Selects a category they wish to browse. Alternatively, they can try searching for what they want to see using the search engine
  • After getting a list of listings, the user can browse them at his or her leisure. The presentation of the listings is still (as far as I know) undecided
  • Selecting on a listing yields additional information on said listing
  • Accepting will notify the author of the listing and allow the two users to communicate

Use case 3 - Pulling information from social media website using JSON

This diagram is used to illustrate how information from other websites can be pulled onto Synclis. I’m using YouTube as an example

  • Video is created on host website, YouTube, by users
  • Synclis and YouTube communicate over the network via HTTP callbacks
  • after getting okay, Synclis converts relevant information using JSON
  • Information contained in JSON will then be used to post the listings. The listings will subsequently be categorized and display the author and video information

1 comment:

  1. Great work, three use cases with three separate diagrams. So is this something that you are proposing to create for Synclis? I'm having trouble following what this is all about without some more background information. Anything you can provide on the bigger picture here would be really helpful :-)
