Thursday, February 13, 2014

Patch: Supporting Child Care Needs

Regardless of whether we like it or not, the future is our gift to our children, but is it really a gift worth giving? Many children are born into a world where are they know is neglect and abuse. What kind of lives would they lead where the people they should depend on most abandon them? PATCH (People Attentive to Children) is a non profit organization with the sole mission to protect children from abuse and give them the care that they need.

Looking around for non-profit organization, I noticed that they stated they were attempting to upgrade their technology as their old system was failing. After looking around their website they do a lot of referral work and I was thinking that perhaps they could use some help keeping track with the information.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea - but do ensure that any links you add are hyperlinked - I've fixed it for you in the first instance
